During a Scene Fusion Session
While you are in a session you will see the Online panel.
- The Leave button allows you to leave the session.
- The info section show how many actors and objects are syncing in the current session.
- The show avatars checkbox in the preferences section allows you to show/hide the avatars that show where other
users are in the level.
- The user section shows the users who are connected to the session. You are always the first user in the table. The
colored dot next to each user shows what color objects selected by that user will appear. Clicking the dot next to your
name allows you to change your color.
- Beside each user name is a Go To button. Clicking it will sync your current viewport with theirs once.
- The follow button function similarly to Go To, however it continues to keep your viewport in sync with the other user.
Objects selected by other users are highlighted with a grid shader in the user's color that turns opaque as it gets
farther away. These objects are locked and cannot be edited until the other user deselects them. Each user has a camera
with their color that shows where they are in the viewport.